Well said Ed!

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Very well said. That blanket upzoning decision is looking more and more irresponsible every day! Until our critical infrastructure is in good repair it is such a disastrous idea. Realistically every councillor who has say in civic government is responsible for NOT addressing this critical issue. Thinking a brilliant response to a crisis is all that is necessary is hubris, and this mayor was never gonna do it right anyways. Knowing Stampede was only a month away when this all started she should have reached out to the pipeline experts on day one.

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Shouldn't the question be, why are these pipes never inspected on a regular basis considering their importance? The fact salaries are being paid for brains inside the water services and engineering department to maintain said systems and they are failing miserably at this task, why aren't Calgarians demanding some heads roll over there?

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Here, in Halifax, they just installed fancy traffic-calming speed bumps on Young Avenue, where the potholes were already more than enough to slow traffic to a crawl. Did they fix the potholes while they were there with the asphalt and associated equipment? Heck no, that would require common sense!

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Rick, didn't you know?

Common sense ain't common. At least at City Hall.

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Oh didn't you know that's a "different" department and they always stay inside their lane only.

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True enough! They have people who mark the edges of the potholes with white paint, people who measure them, people who triage so the worst potholes get fixed first, and people who put up warning signs ahead of the unfixed potholes. I’m assuming that the IT people play a role, because they can always tell you how many potholes there are this year as compared to last year, and how many have been fixed. In other words, when you see a pothole, it’s not just a hole, it’s a make work project!

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One of many aspects of Canada crumbling. :(

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