TDS is a terrible affliction. Please seek help.

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I’m one of many Republicans who will be voting for her! I just published an article that I think you would find informative. It’s a quick seven minute read if you get a chance to check it out. 🙏


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The challenge the Dems have with Swiftie fans is that more likely than not, they won't go out and actually vote. Besides, they have found a way to successfully cheat so why stop now?

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You should check this out - really, well worth your time: https://anncoulter.substack.com/p/the-debate-about-the-debate

Look at the links for the debate recreation of the 2016 debates, the videos of the recreations are absolutely fascinating. I was never aware anyone had done that research.

Based on that 2016 research it is not clear to me at all that Harris won anything over Trump.

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What a mess our countries are in. I have NO belief in the system and expect in both countries they will do everything they can NOT to elect a conservative. Our countries are being destroyed. God forbid if Harris gets in, in November. Even as a Canadian we will suffer and then wait for the fall-out in 2025 when we go to the polls. What a mess - thanks to the globalists. :(

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why. is lying a problem for Trump supporters? Everyone knows he switches positions and lies constantly.

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Sadly, I think the Taylor Swift endorsement immediately after the debate probably swayed more voters than the debate. No matter what party anyone is inclined to vote for, nobody should be taking celebrity endorsements seriously and basing their votes on that. On the other side, any celebrity who understands fandom should know to keep their political opinions to themselves and ensure 100% of the available audience wants to like them!

Not really sure why TS made her announcement when she did, Harris had a great night, as Ed already indicated, the TS endorsement, coming when it did, stole a good news story, my X feed was all TS instead of the debate...she should have waited until a bounce was needed or an otherwise quiet news period so it would have made a NEW story on a day when there wasn't a story.

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It will be interesting when the results roll in ….. even if he loses he will still think he’s won 😆

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ICYMI, Robert Reich plagiarizes/copies the entirety of a WSJ post by Karl Rove -- sorry, no archive link possible:

A Catastrophic Debate for Trump



Rove more or less echoes your own "picturesque" description of that loss. 🙂

As you suggest, bit of a toss-up as to which side is the lesser of the two weevils. Don't think many on the Democrat side quite realize the extent of the rot on their side which motivates the Republicans, even if there's no shortage of that rot there too. Kinda think the Democrats, in particular, are "whistling past the graveyard":


Probably have good reasons to be worried.

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