In the absence of a national health care system in Canada and in the USA, we are left with far too many autonomous health care organizations making their own flawed and politically motivated decisions, none of them really taking the time to look at the evidence and implications.

As with Covid, it's become a situation where every organization looks at what their neighbor is doing and then does the same, or perhaps a bit more (not wishing to look like a laggard).

A few brave political souls, like Danielle Smith and Blain Higgs, have said "enough is enough". Sadly, very few, if any, doctors in significant leadership positions are willing to take the risk.

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Exactly... which isn't leadership — it's captitulation to the woke mob and abdication of our sacred duty as physicians to do no harm.

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Jun 26Liked by J. Edward Les, MD

Our country is a genuine trouble, when so many institutions have become politicalized and ideologically captured.

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It's going to be tough to turn it around, for sure.

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Ouf, I don’t know what happens if we don’t.

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Jun 26Liked by J. Edward Les, MD

As you know I agree with all/most of the "facts" that you have mentioned in your article. What many people don't realize is that your article is not about politics or governments and has nothing to do per say the LGBTQ..... Community. It is a medical issue and the problem in Canada IMHO is the medical profession and its leadership. Gender Dysphoria, (DSM-5 Criteria for Gender Dysphoria (20)) is a medical issue and the medical profession should be debating the issue and directing treatment/management. That is not happening there is no academic sensible debate. The Medical profession has let us down. There are several other issues where the Canadian Medical Profession has let us down but that discussion is for another day.

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Indeed, a discussion for another day... we've strayed so far from our Hippocratic oath (which most "modern" medical schools openly disdain).

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YES SADLY:as we lose our Professional "Satus" perhaps no longer deserved!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Why are we treating a "disease of the mind" with surgery to the body?

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Which the Profession "did " to great acclaim. Nobel Prize in Medicine Moniz 1949 and created a tragedy which a lot of Doctors have forgotten or even worse never learned.

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Jun 26Liked by J. Edward Les, MD

Dr. Les, what always astonishes me is how quickly 'they' can find some doctor or so-called expert to discount perfect legit work yet they can't seem to find (on purpose) someone who will back it up. It is so sad that so many youth will quite possibly struggle or have destroyed lives. Is there intention behind it?

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I've long believed that the widespread acquiescence by doctors to this sort of thing isn't driven by malevolence, but rather by a mixture of "good intentions", lack of common sense, and fear of being cancelled. But sometimes I wonder....

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My thoughts here is that they quite likely have fear of being cancelled and called out. But these days, I really have to include intention as part of it.

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Most Canadians seem to have no idea what the kids are not subjected to in school. They trust the “experts”.

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