Jill Biden is like a diabolical cartoon villain in a blue pantsuit, her hysterical cackle in the aftermath of the debate signifying her intention to cling to power at any cost--to her husband, to her country, to the world. I loathe Joe Biden, but it's still hard to watch the blatant elder abuse this woman is perpetrating on her poor demented husband.

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Jun 29Liked by J. Edward Les, MD

It's quite a mess for sure. It makes one wonder what is really the goal. In Canada, although Trudeau has cognitive ability it doesn't seem like he can read the writing on the wall. Our countries are begging for proper leadership. I am not sure if it isn't a well-planned operation. Oops, I have misplaced my tin hat. Enjoy your travels. :)

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Jun 29Liked by J. Edward Les, MD

First off: I believe it is unconscionable to use someone who is clearly not "ok," to further an agenda. so thank you for spelling that out.

Coincidentally I just read a brilliant article by CJ Hopkins (substack) on the debacle of the whole election issue, placing the so-called "debate" in its proper context. It's theatre and whatever part Biden is playing right now (perhaps not voluntarily since he's clearly in cognitive decline) I suspect he's not long for the stage. In fact, as Hopkins points out this is a "redux" because Biden appears to have been in cognitive decline for years, not months, at least as far back as the 2020 election. But relief is near--a replacement (some say Hillary) will be waiting in the wings to set him free from all this. He's no longer useful as a prop. Might be interesting to calculate just how much Biden has actually been seen in public over the last 4 years. The propaganda machine is very powerful and ubiquitous and can make us believe in all sorts of things, even pandemics, the efficacy of untested "vaccines" and the acuity of someone unable to string words together. The powers that really be wanted us to see that decline in the debate, for their own reasons. Wait for it: Act II, Scene 1.

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Jun 29Liked by J. Edward Les, MD

Hit the nail on the head Ed! If we the public can see this, it must be much worse at home. It makes one wonder who has really been running the country?

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Jun 30Liked by J. Edward Les, MD

There is so little that we (the Medical profession) actually knows, it is hard to actually say there is such a thing as an "expert". There have been some recent advances both in diagnosing and treatment and classifying Dementia but very little that is a definitive break through. Even with the different patterns of dementia there are many unique patterns of disease within the groups. I am definitely not an expert but my knowledge is because my mother and older sister died of Dementia and my younger sister has end stage disease at 77. Arm chair experts cannot diagnose Biden with any certainty but a good Geriatric Clinician after a full history and examination could be highly suspicious and could force Biden to be tested even if he required hand cuffs to comply. My one sister was forced to be tested and then shortly there after was physically placed/forced into an institution. My mother never agreed to be tested (that was 40 years ago) but was placed/forced in an institution. I do agree with you about his family being complicit in destroying him and taking away his dignity and putting America in a precarious position. I think a dementia specialist actually could force Biden to be tested with out a court order. In fact if Biden refuses a request to be tested i would say he most certainly has Dementia. A short story about my older sister: Her doctor took away her driver's licence. She insisted to have a full driver's test with the Ministry and she passed everything including a simulator test. She got her licence back; after the testing she was staying with me in Ottawa waiting the result. She did say the result did not matter because she was going to drive in any case because her second son lived in New York. After the test her son took away her car. She never drove again. She kept asking about it for six months and he just would say it requires some repairs and she just excepted that and eventually forgot completely about it. Sad serious disorder that is becoming an increasing burden on Society.

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For sure.

We as a society have barely a glimmer of realization as to the tsunami of people with cognitive decline bearing down on us. Health care access is already in dire straits, but it's going to get far worse.

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Jun 29Liked by J. Edward Les, MD

'Doctor' Jill needs her 'medical license' revoked. Total psychopath, its now clear.

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