This whole transitioning issue needs to be stopped for people under 20 years of age with or without mental health problems. Just reading this NP article makes my skin crawl. How can these doctors and therapists live with themselves knowing that many of these kids may very well change their mind. Proper mental health therapy needs to be first and foremost. Thanks for posting Dr. Les.

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Thanks for reposting the NP article -- hope that doesn't run afoul of any copyright issues ... 😉🙂

But an absolute medical scandal -- I hope NP's article gets more people up-in-arms about it, hanging Trudeau in effigy might be a good start.

However, kind think NP is contributing to the problem by not clearly differentiating between sex and gender, two entirely different kettles of fish, if not of species from different phyla. For example, they say:

"Sarah from B.C. shown as a young cisgender female, transitioned to male, and has reverted back to female."

An egregious lie, part and parcel of the criminal fraud of "gender affirmation surgery" -- AKA sterilization and castration -- to even suggest that Sarah, and many others in the same boat, has changed sex. All she did was transition to a more masculine GENDER.

Nice that Sarah was at least able to detransition to a more feminine gender. However, many others are not so fortunate since their surgeries and hormone treatments often turn them into sexless eunuchs -- no going back after crossing that Rubicon.

The late great US Justice Anton Scalia had a very useful and quite illuminating analogy that underlined those differences:

"The word 'gender' has acquired the new and useful connotation of cultural or attitudinal characteristics (as opposed to physical characteristics) distinctive to the sexes. That is to say, gender is to sex as feminine is to female and masculine to male."


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